Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 15 - A long weekend and a crappy therapist

Wow, Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am thankful for so much but most of all that my little guy is able to be home with me and doing better. Every day is a challenge but with the love and help of my family and friends I am getting through it.

Now on to the crappy "therapist" that showed up at our house on Wednesday. This guy walks in with his coffee in a container and asks me to heat it for him. No problem, heat the coffee and give it to him. We sit down and then in comes Timmy off the bus. He takes one look at this guy and regresses 4 years. He goes into a meltdown for about an hour while this guy tells me this is all because he is spoiled. It has nothing at all to do with him being on the Autism Spectrum and when my little guy finally is calm enough to sit with us one of the first things he says to him is "You're spoiled, aren't you?"

This is a person who is suppose to be there providing therapy to us as a family and helping to give Timmy the tools he needs to deal with his disability. Here is what I learned while the "therapist" was at my home:

1) Timmy is spoiled

2) Timmy doesn't need the amount of therapy the hospital determined he needed after a six week stay.

3) The "therapist" doesn't need to do any therapy with us or provide any help or suggestions on what I can do to make our lives better for the upcoming long weekend

4) The "therapist" has no clue when there will be a behavioral analyst assigned to us because 10 hours to way too many hours and they aren't babysitters. This in spite of the fact that the hospital recommended 20-25 hours a week.

5) The "therapist" will not be back to provide "Therapy" for us until 12/10/2008 which will be for 1-1/2 hours not the 4 hours weekly recommended by the hospital upon Timmy's discharge

6) The "therapist" will be Timmy's best friend in 3 months even though Timmy immediately melted down the minute he saw him in the house and didn't connect with him on any level

7) The "therapist" is more interested in telling me how wonderful he is than offering any type of therapy to us.

8) The "therapist" did not read anything about Timmy's history before he walked in the door.

9) The "therapist" wanted to know why I didn't put him in a group home instead of bringing him home

Ok breathe deep, smile and make the call to make sure this is not the "THERAPIST" we will be dealing with in the future. It's all about being the advocate and not letting the system run us over.

New favorite website Ideeli


Debie Napoleon said...

I can call them too if you want. More voices, more yelling, more action.

Stephanie said...

Hello from SITS! Hope your holidays are cheery. I am sorry that your therapist was so horrible. There are good ones out there! Just keep looking....:o)